The Truth About Call Quality: It’s (Mostly) Not Your VoIP Provider

You’re on an important call when the audio suddenly garbles or cuts out. Annoying? Yes. But in most cases, your VoIP provider isn’t the problem—your network is. What Really Causes VoIP Call Issues? Research shows that over 90% of call quality problems originate from external factors, not VoIP providers. Here’s where issues usually stem from: … Read more

12 Ways Your PBX Configuration Can Make or Break Your Business Image

PBX can make or break your business image

An auto-attendant is hardly a jaw-dropping technology that will impress your callers, but it is a kind of business card for your enterprise. After all, you only get one chance to make an excellent first impression, and yours may be in the hands of the receptionist. And that is what the Auto-Attendant is: a programmable … Read more

Affordable Internet Backup When You Need It

Wireless Backup Connection Diagram

Have you ever experienced Internet failure? A bad day, right? It’s even worse when your business has a premise-based VoIP system and your customers can’t reach you. These days almost everything relies on the Internet, be it a home-run business, an office, a factory, a restaurant, or a storefront. More than 50% of the population … Read more

A VoIP Downside That Can’t Be Escaped

VoIP downside is... Internet

As recently as August 30th, 2020, a well-known US carrier CenturyLink took a deep dive exposing some of the downsides of VoIP technology. The cause of their outage is not that important. If you MUST know, it had to do with an error in their BGP protocol, the language that allows Internet peers to talk to each other. What is essential is how THEIR problem impacted the rest of US!

Business at The Speed of Thought: How Modern Communications Technology Has Changed Our Expectations

Modern Communications Technology changes the way we do business

The world as we know it changes with every passing second. These changes subtly creep up on us and go almost unnoticed till we reflect on the past. And suddenly it dawns on us that our present world is a far cry from the world of as recent as the past decade. Unified Communications effect … Read more

Emergencies, Continuity of Business, and Remote Workers

Emergencies, Continuity of Business, and Remote Workers

Why businesses should consider the switch to a VoIP phone system now Coronavirus outbreaks are forcing many companies to make difficult choices. How do they continue to operate their business, provide the same level of service to our customers while utilizing remote workers? You need to remain in a position to provide your employees their … Read more

The Need for Firewall Configuration in VoIP

VoIP Firewall

The Need for Firewall Configuration in VoIP VoIP systems are a crucial investment for all organizations, regardless of their type or size. As these systems rely on the internet, they help streamline communication for organizations in a reliable and cost-effective manner. But, just like traditional telephony, VoIP networks are under threat of various impersonation-based identity … Read more